Texans for FairTax

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  What is the FairTax?

The FairTax plan is a comprehensive proposal that replaces federal income and payroll taxes with an simple, integrated approach including:

  • A national retail sales tax.
  • A prebate to ensure no American pays federal taxes on purchases up to the poverty level.
  • Dollar-for-dollar federal revenue neutrality.
  • Repeal of the 16th Amendment through companion legislation.

For more information, Click Here

  Got a Question on the FairTax??

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  What's New

  HR-25 Introduced to New Congress

HR-25, the FairTax, has been introduced into the 114th Congress by Representative Rob Woodall of Georgia. What is really exciting is that the FairTax has a record 60 Cosponsors. This is the most ever!! And in the two weeks following introduction, another 3 cosponsors were added, bringing the total to 63!

At the same time, the Senate companion bill, S-155, was introduced by Senator Jerry Moran of Kansas.

  FairTax Board of Directors Meeting

While it may not seem all that exciting, the Grassroots Board of Directors of AFFT held a meeting in Nashville, TN recently. In addition to all the normal stuff, like minutes and motions, two very important things happened.

First, a budget for funding FairTax activities was established and agreed to by all the grassroots leadership at the meeting. This is the first time the grassroots have played a major role in formulating and approving the operating budget for the national organization.

Second, each state has agreed to fund their portion of the budget. For Texas, our portion is $6,900. While that may seem like a lot, it will only take 60 of us contributing $10 per month, or about 275 of us making a one time $25 donation. Considering we have nearly 44,000 folks here in Texas who have signed up as FairTax supporters, it should be easy!!

The danger is that we'll all wait for "someone else to do it". We can't let that happen. If you believe in the FairTax, are tired of watching IRS corruption play out on TV, and want to do something, rather than just talkabout it, click the big RED button in the corner and become a dues-paying member of AFFT.

  FairTax and Rotary

Many FairTax supporters are also members of Rotary, and while we have shared information about the FairTax with our Fellow Rotarians, we have never felt comfortable making a formal presentation to our Club.

This is your lucky day.

We have developed a "FairTax and the Four Way Test" whiteboard presentation that you can give at your local Rotary. In it, we explain the basics of the FairTax, and show how the FairTax meets all the elements of the Rotary Four Way Test. We also show how the present income system is completely at odds with Rotary Values.

The presentation is about 12 minutes long, and can be downloaded here. All you need is your laptop and speakers so it can be heard.

Dare to Compare - Try the FairTax calculator

What will the FairTax mean to YOU!!

Try the FairTax Calculator and see how you, personally will fare under the FairTax!!:

    Learn More About the FairTax:

      Watch the FairTax Video -- It's Time
      Watch the Texas FairTax slideshow
      Watch the Lunch and Taxes series.
      Read the Texas FairTax State Strategy
      Who Supports the FairTax: Congressional Co-Sponsors

        Click here to find your local FairTax volunteer

             - Request a presentation to your group - Click here for request

             - Make a financial donation -Donate here

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Your Membership dollars at Work!!

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